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JOURNAL OF UPDATES IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY - Volume 1 Issue 2, Volume 1, Issue 2, July - December 2022

Pages: 71-74
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Publication recognition or Measuring author’s research impact: H-index - An overview

Author: Dr. Nayaka Basavanthappa Nagaveni

Category: Pediatric Dentistry


Writing a scientific article for publishing in the top journals is an art and science. Recently, the number of publications for any author has been increasing across the world. Various databases metrics or platforms have been used to measure the academic footprint of an author or researcher to shed light on the academic or scientific age. One among these databases is the H-index or Hirsch index and all authors including researchers in health sciences must be aware of this database which is used for professional identification and progression. This index is one of the most popular metrics among all other databases for research work evaluation because it is easy to calculate the score and understandable for even non-expert authors. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss in detail about definitions, history, advantages, disadvantages, and various tools used to measure the H-index score of an author or researcher

Keywords: Articles, Google Scholar, H-index, Publications, Scopus, Research work

DOI: 10.54276/JUPD.2021.1210